Rest in Peace, Dennis !
This is the cover of Real Stuff #2 (March, 1991). Art by Mark Zingarelli.
We have some friends and we may have enemies, and then we also have friends we never met. Dennis Eichhorn was one of these. A friend I never met.
Dennis, as you may know, was a writer of many things, and among them was the well-known Fantagraphics comic book, Real Stuff.
I was a happy reader of that book as I had been a follower of all that
"autobio" trend that arguably began with Julie Doucet and Chester Brown
(I'm not forgetting Pekar and Crumb, but I don't view them as belonging
to that particular wave). If one was to classify the style of Dennis'
writing, we would have to say that he was an Hemingway or a Bukowski
among Kafkas and Woody Allens ...
Not all his stories were
illustrated by super talented people. The art varied from weak to
extraordinary. One day, i thought: well, I can do much better than
*that* one. I made a pile of photocopies and an introduction letter
stating that I'd like to illustrate one of his stories. A few weeks
later, I opened my mailbox and found a story to illustrate. Just like
that, I had my first professional comic book job!
So I do feel I owe him something. Maybe not my career, but at least part of my self-confidence... Thank you, Dennis !
Note: I also did an eulogy for Kim Thompson who was the editor for that book, here.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
"Le rêve canadien", un album de BD Franco-ontarien.

Le délais pour réaliser l'album étant relativement court, j'ai demandé l'aide de quelques collaborateurs de talent: Gabriel Morrissette sur le crayonné d'une partie des pages et de Michel Lacombe sur l'encrage de quelques pages. Mes coloristes qui ont travaillé très fort pour arriver dans les délais et produire de belles pages ont été Daniel Seijas, Julien Dufour et Julie Ménard.
Le lancement aura lieu à Ottawa, ce jeudi 19 février 2015 de 17 h à 19 h au CFORP, au 435 rue Donald, à Ottawa.
"Le rêve canadien, œuvre signée par Body Ngoy, Éric Thériault et Corinne Sauvé, se veut un outil d’information, de sensibilisation et de promotion de l’intégration des nouveaux arrivants francophones au sein de la communauté franco-ontarienne. Le parcours de Patcho, le protagoniste de la BD, ne saurait s’avérer victorieux en l’absence du soutien des structures d’accueil et d’établissement franco-ontariennes. En filigrane, l’épopée de Patcho témoigne également de l’utilité de cette double plateforme franco-canadienne pour les personnages établis au pays depuis longtemps. En somme, tout un chacun peut y trouver sa place et y réaliser son rêve."
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