Monday, May 16, 2005

A Veena is a music instrument among other things.

You learn many things when you publish a comic called Veena. First is that when put the title thru Google it show you a music instrument called the Veena. The tourism bureau of India probably doesn't like me much, because for a long time my comic came up first in searches, instead of information on the music instrument that is actually the official music instrument of India.The ranking has changed a little since then...

It look like something Jim Woodring would come up with...Veena is also a name for women all over Asia. And women of Asian origin in England and the States.
Once in a while I get orders for copies of Veena solely on the basis of the title. Who doesn't put his own name in Google to see what will come up?
Recently, I got a letter from a Veena. She said she liked my comic and offered to send me her photo. Curious to see her, I accepted even if I thought it might be a joke. Like a friend sending me a photo of a porn star with hair like my character...
But she's real and is from England. Her parents were born in Mauritius so they speak French. It's an interesting connection for a comic produced in Quebec where we speak both French and English.

Maybe I could make it a regular thing on the site and have a collection of readers whose name is Veena. What do you guys and gals think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Should I be jealous, Honey?

Your girlfriend...