J'y serai ce dimanche. Venez me jaser ! Voici le communiqué de presse officiel.
I'll be there this week-end, come and chat. Here is the official press release.
L'édition du 9 mai du Comic-Con de Montréal s'annonce des plus animées! Nous accueillerons le légendaire auteur de X-Men, Chris Claremont, qui signera pour l'occasion des autographes et échangera avec ses admirateurs. A cela ajoutons une vingtaine d'artistes locaux et des exposants de comic books, de bande dessinée, de manga, de jouets, de science-fiction, de jeux vidéo, etc. Un concours de costumes ainsi qu'un tournoi de Magic - organisé conjointement avec Carta Magica - sont également prévus.
Le Comic-Con aura lieu ce dimanche, de 11 h à 17 h, à Place Bonaventure, salle 200-N. Prix d'entrée : 5 $ - GRATUIT pour les enfants de six ans et moins et pour toutes les mères accompagnées d'au moins un enfant.
Un événement à ne pas manquer ce week-end!
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The May 9th edition of the Montreal Comic-Con promises to be a hit! Our guest of honour will be the legendary X-Men writer, Chris Claremont, who will sign autographs and dicsuss with his fans. There will also be about 20 local artists as well as exhibitors - comic books, bande dessinée, manga, toys, sci-fi, video games, etc. -, a costume contest and a Magic tournament, organized in collaboration with Carta Magica.
The Comic-Con will be held this coming Sunday, from 11:00am to 5:00pm, at Place Bonaventure, room 200-N. Admission: $5 - FREE for all children under 6 and all moms coming with at least one (1) child.
Join the fun this weekend!
Sounds like fun, I wish events like this happened close to where I live.
Is it considered tacky for an artist like yourself to ask for somebodies autograph? If not, you should ask for Chris Claremonts autograph. Maybe get him to make it out to e-Bay.
Thanks for the translation for us non-french speaking readers.
Un super belle journée! On se repogne et le prochain coup je me sauve avec une belle copie de Veena!
Ouais zut, je voulais aller voir ta table mais je pouvais pas vraiment quitter ma table et ensuite y'a fallu que je parte pour la fête des mères, trop tôt...
J'aime ton icone !
Where do you live actually ?
About famous artists: I usually wait for a profesionnal opportunity to talk to famous artist, otherwise if your considered a fan, you'll never get to talk to them as real human being...
In New Mexico USA, about 300 miles from Albuquerque which along with Santa Fe are the only places in the state events like this visit.
Sorry it took me a while to respond, I've been having internet problems for a while and this was the first time I could get a functional connection in about 1 1/2 weeks.
Hound: I was wondering if you were from the Montreal area, like Sirkowski and I.
So your totally lost when I post in french ?
I have no understanding of French at all. Usually if one of your posts is in french only I'll go to google translate to have it translated so I can read it.
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